We offer a variety of classes throughout the week to suit all ages and abilities.
Recreational Classes
Children aged 3-4 work independently of their parents. The emphasis is on fun, learning body management and the fundamentals of gymnastics - agility, balance and co-ordination. Our classes follow various themes such as weather, seaside and travel, and children are awarded badges and certificates on completion of each theme. These classes take place on a Wednesday and a Friday.
Beginner gymnastics
These classes are for boys and girls aged 4+ and require no previous training. Gymnasts work independently of their parents in small groups, working towards British Gymnastics Proficiency awards 8-1 and becoming familiar with the four pieces of apparatus used in gymnastics- vault, bars, beam and floor. Classes are 1 hour long and we offer them 6 days a week.

​Junior, Intermediate and Senior gymnastics
Gymnasts work towards their British Gymnastics Advanced proficiency awards, and are invited to take part in the annual In House Competition. These classes are 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours long. These classes take place on week days.
Teen Gymnastics
This is an open gym style class for older teenagers. Ideal for complete beginners, those doing PE GCSE and A Levels and for ex-gymnasts wanting to get back in the gym. This class is on a Monday evening (7.15-8.30pm) and is pay as you go.
Adult Gymnastics
We hold a class on a Monday night for over 18's who want to take part in the sport. This class is an 'open gym' format, making it suitable for both complete beginners and people with previous experience. Some adults choose to work towards competing in the British Adult Gymnastics Championships each August. No booking is required, just turn up to sessions.
Competition Pathway Classes
Women's Artistic Development Squad
Ages 4-6 - Girls are identified in their recreational classes and are invited to join the development squad for a trial. The gymnasts work on gaining strength and flexibility as well as learning some basic gymnastics skills.
Floor and Vault Squad
Ages 6+ Children are identified in their recreational classes and are invited to join this squad with a view to learn the skills to compete in Regional Floor and Vault competitions from the age of 8. These children train once a week for 2 hours.
Recreational Competition Squads
Girls can enter this class from the development squad or their recreational class, by invitation only. Gymnasts represent the club at floor and vault and novice level competitions throughout the West Midlands and are expected to train a minimum of twice a week.
Women's Artistic Junior Competition Squad
Ages 6+ Girls are expected to train twice a week towards gaining strength, flexibility and skills with a view to join the main competition squad.
Women's Artistic Squad
Gymnasts usually enter our competition squad via the development squad route, however all gymnasts are constantly monitored and are offered a place if the coaches believe they have the work ethic and potential to thrive within the competition squad. Gymnasts work towards competing National Development Plan Grades and Levels within the West Midlands.